Call us on:
  1. Exhibitors alone are responsible for their entries. 
  2. All exhibits must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor.
  3. By entering into a class or classes, exhibitors are agreeing to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Carnew & District Agricultural Show in respect of all Exhibits or Competitions.
  4. Entries are only accepted on the understanding that there shall be no appeal beyond the Committee of the show whose decision shall be final.
  5. No responsibility will be taken by Show Committee or landowners for any loss or accident to the general public to exhibits or exhibitors while on the Showgrounds.
  6. Judge’s decision will be final. Judge’s marking schemes are not disclosed. The identity of our Judges is not disclosed before Show Day.
  7. The Committee reserve the right to cancel or postpone the Show without prior notice.
  8. The Committee reserve the right to change, cancel or merge classes.
  9. No exhibit in Horse or Sheep Classes is eligible to enter in more than one class except in the case of special prizes, qualifying classes.
  10. No exhibitor will be allowed in ring while judging is in progress, unless they are in immediate charge of exhibits.
  11. Qualifier Cards must be completed on Show Day.
  12. All Cups and Trophies are Perpetual and must be returned in good condition one month before Show.
  13. All Cups and Trophies won must be collected on Show Day.
  14. The Committee reserve the right to replace prize money with vouchers or goods to an equivalent value.
  15. Every animal to be supplied with sufficient halter.  All foals must be led. Dogs must be on a lead at all times.
  16. Objections concerning show Classes or any other matter relevant to the Show Society should be made in writing with a deposit of €20 and lodged at the Secretaries Office not later than one hour after the incident has occurred.
  17. Entry fees are non-refundable for non-attendees.
  18. In the event of the show being cancelled, entry fees will be refunded. Please allow 28 days for refunds.


  • Purebred Champion and Reserve Champion in each Purebred Section
  • Overall Brood Crossbred Champion and Reserve Champion - Classes 80 - 86.
  • Overall Commercial Champion and Reserve Champion - Classes 88 - 91.
  • Cup and Rosettes for the above Championships
  • Michael Kinsella Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the overall Supreme Pedigree Champion.
  • Please Note - All sheep entered must be identified individually with appropriate ear tags and  accompanied by all completed Dispatch Documentation
  • Sheep are to be penned at 10.30 am for a prompt start at 11 am.
  • Due to health and safety, up to three rings may be run at the one time.
  • All number's must be collected from Secretary's Tent and displayed when showing sheep.
  • Sheep Dispatch Dockets to be left in at Secretary's Tent
  • All cups to be presented on the day.
  • The Committee of Carnew Agricultural Show may decide to replace Prize money with Vouchers/Products to the equivalent value.
  • Sheep CANNOT be entered in more than one Class except Young Handler class.
  • ALL SHEEP in Crossbred Classes must have docked tail.
  • All male lambs in Crossbred class 91 must be castrated.
  • Judges decision is final.


Only 1st and 2nd Prize Winners in each class may enter in breed championship.                                                                        

BROOD CROSSBRED CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION CUP AND ROSETTES:                                                                         

Only 1st Prize Winners in Brood Crossbred Section may enter i.e. Classes 80 to 86 inclusive                                                         

COMMERCIAL CROSSBRED CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION CUP AND ROSETTES:                                                             

Only 1st Prize Winners in Commercial Crossbred Section may enter i.e. Classes 88 to 91 inclusive.


As from 1st May 2012, any premises (which includes shows, fairs and markets) where horses or other equines are gathered must be registered with the Department of Agriculture.  Owners/persons in charge of such gatherings are required to submit a completed application form for registration and to keep records of movements on/off their premises. Records must be retained for at least 3 years as they may be required by the Department for the purposes of tracing disease.  It is important therefore that Show organisers should contact their local Regional Veterinary Office in advance so that consideration can be given to compliance with the requirements.

Any further information on the requirements for moving of horses and equines to shows will be provided on the Department's website

All sheep must be identified individually with appropriate ear tags issued in accordance with the requirements of the National Sheep Identification System (NSIS).
Movement Documentation
All consignments of sheep being moved must be accompanied by a completed dispatch document. Individual details of each sheep in the consignment must be recorded on the document. Sheep from non-restricted flocks only can be moved to shows. In the case of flocks restricted following diagnosis of scrapie, sheep possessing the ARR/ARR genotype only may be exhibited. The movement of these ARR/ARR genotype sheep must be accompanied by the relevant movement permit (SCR/10), which can be obtained from the local District Veterinary Office in the county where the flock is located.
AIM Notification
The movement of sheep to and from an Agricultural Show within the State must be recorded on AIM. This is done using a copy of the owner's sheep dispatch document as follows:

  1. The owner/keeper presents the signed and completed dispatch document to the show secretary who checks it to ensure that it is completed in full.
  2. The show secretary fills in the MART section of the dispatch document with (i) the show number, (ii) the date of the move back to the source holding (iii) stamps it with the show stamp and (iv) signs the dispatch document.
  3. The show secretary then forwards the completed pink section of the dispatch document to the local DVO within 7 days of the show movement.
  4. The show secretary keeps a white copy for his/her records.
  5. The source/destination keeper keeps the bottom yellow copy to enter it into their flock register.

Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling this requirement lies with the Show Secretary.
Flock Register
All movements of sheep to and from shows must be recorded in the keeper’s flock register.
Exports to Northern Ireland
All sheep must be accompanied by a TRACES intra-community trade certificate for ovine animals. A TRACES message, corresponding with the TRACES certificate, will be sent for each animal or consignment being dispatched to the show (this will be performed by Department officials of the DVO). Exhibitors are advised to contact the show society in Northern Ireland well in advance of any show to determine the suitability of the show for return of animals (e.g. premises and sheep status), and whether the authorities will have officials and veterinary staff present to supervise and process documentation for animals returning to origin.

Attendance of sheep from scrapie monitored flocks at shows and sales in 2018

Shows between 1st May and 30th September
Sheep from scrapie monitored flocks will be permitted to attend agricultural shows taking place between May 1st and September 30th without restriction or separation from other categories of sheep.

Shows outside that period
For shows taking place before May 1st or after September 30th, sheep from scrapie monitored or probationary flocks must be separated from other sheep as follows:

There must be complete separation of monitored/probationary sheep from other categories of sheep at the show. Ideally, this would mean a separate entrance and exit for each group, separate loading and unloading areas, separate penning areas for each of the two groups.

In locations where all of the above may not be possible, the minimum requirement would be the separate loading and unloading and also of penning areas. The two areas should be separate by a sheep-free alleyway, at least 12 feet wide. If only one showring is available, the sheep from the scrapie-monitored flocks must be shown first.

Winners of qualifiers must complete the relevant paperwork before leaving the showgrounds.

The Irish Shows Association expects and will insist upon appropriate behaviour from all Exhibitors and others participating in any of the activities at our Member Shows and will not tolerate inappropriate behaviour.
Inappropriate behaviour shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • Profanity, coarse or vulgar language or gestures towards judges, exhibitors or other Show officials
  • Harassment or bullying, including using words or actions that threaten, intimidate or undermine judges or other officials before, during or following Member Show activities
  • Failure to follow rules and/or obey instructions
  • Abusing any animal


Disciplinary Procedures:
Complaints of misconduct against an Exhibitor or other participant at a Member Show shall be investigated and adjudicated upon by a subcommittee appointed by the Irish Shows Association. The said subcommittee shall consist of the regional chairpersons and the sitting president of the Irish Shows Association and shall be known as the Disciplinary Committee. The Disciplinary Committee shall seek to ensure the existence of consistent, effective, fair and transparent complaint procedures and shall act in accordance with natural and constitutional justice.


A complaint of misconduct/inappropriate behaviour against an Exhibitor or other participant in a Member Show shall be made in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the relevant Member Show within 72 hours.

A copy of the complaint shall be sent by the Secretary of the Member Show to the National Secretary of the ISA. A copy of the complaint will be sent by the National Secretary to the person or persons against whom the complaint is made. A person or persons against whom a written complaint is made shall have a period of 14 working days from the date of receipt of the claim to reply to the said complaint; such reply shall be made in writing.

Both parties shall state whether an oral hearing of the complaint is sought. The Disciplinary Committee shall be entitled to hold an oral hearing in regard to the complaint whether or not sought. The Disciplinary Committee shall decide in each case whether to hold such an oral hearing in respect of the complaint, or any part thereof and there shall be no appeal from such decision of the Disciplinary Committee. For the purposes of dealing with a complaint, any three members of the disciplinary committee will constitute the complaint committee.

The Disciplinary Committee shall, at any time, seek further information from either party. In the event of either party refusing or failing to provide such further information within the time specified by the Disciplinary Committee, the Committee shall be entitled to make a decision on the complaint and/or to hold an oral hearing of the complaint in the absence of a copy of such further information being received by the Disciplinary Committee from either party.

The Disciplinary Committee shall be entitled to reject a complaint where, in the opinion of the Committee, it finds there is no basis for it.

In the event of a first incident of inappropriate/unacceptable behaviour being deemed to be proved against the offender, the Disciplinary Committee shall issue a written warning to the offender. In the event of any subsequent incident, the Disciplinary Committee shall be entitled to impose sanctions on the offender, including a prohibition on such offender participating in any of the events/activities at any Member Show of the ISA, provided always that in the event of a first incident of inappropriate/unacceptable behaviour being deemed by the Disciplinary Committee to constitute gross misbehaviour, the Disciplinary Committee shall be entitled to impose such sanctions on the offender as it deems appropriate, including the prohibition on such offender from participating in any of the events/activities of any Member Show of the ISA.
The decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be final.